Tuesday's Thoughts

Here we go …

For starters, the blog name does not mean I am bored at being a housewife lol Far from it! I love being a wife and a mother, but sometimes stay-at-home parents get lost in who they are as individuals.

Due to illness in 2013, after facing death in the eye, I was left not knowing who I was anymore. I was involved in a traumatic relationship, which not only resulted in a diagnosis of a chronic, incurable illness, but also resulted in me developing severe mental health issues, in particular PTSD and depression. All of these causes I am passionate about helping bring awareness to others. But I digress (something you will become familiar with lol) I was put on a disability pension due to these issues, which brings me to the BORED housewife part of my story. Being at home 24/7, I am just trying to figure out who I am, what I want out of this life that has been offered to me, & not go bat-shit crazy in the meantime lol

Enough about that though – so me in a nutshell … I am Tina, 45 years old, married to Chris, and mother to Abby (19) and Jack (17, almost 18), and 2 fur babies – Angus (8 year old fluffy dog) & Maisie (3 year old kitty who rules the roost!) We all reside at a beachside town in South Australia.

My aim for this blog is to just write a fun blog with bits about my life, what interests me, and hopefully people can either relate or enjoy my crazy ramblings!